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Vibrational Medicine for the Soul

   “A person does not hear sound only through the ears, but hears sound through every pore of the body, it permeates the entire being”

—Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Sound can open your heart, soothe your mind, nourish your body and awaken your soul. Experience a cellular vibrational deep tissue sound healing that realigns your nervous system.

Sound journies create immersive sensory experiences for individuals to go inward, to slow down, bring awareness to breath, body sensations, heart beat, inner pulse, and offer deep stillness.


At times, due to stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, disconnect with self, or the natural world, our emotional physical spiritual state of being can become out of balance.


A sound session offers deep restorative rest and a sense of renewal.

Additional Benefits

  • The frequency, tones, and vibration of sound heals through physical and emotional resonance and re-aligns the body with its own innate wisdom.

  • Sound changes brain waves, inducing a theta state of deep calm, meditative, dream like state.

  • Sounds opens one to higher realms of consciousness and enhances a more expansive connectedness to oneself, to Source, to the Divine, to the Universe at large.

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I play instruments on and around your body.  Immerse yourself in a wave of therapeutic tones.

  • Handpan

  • Kalimba

  • Crystal Bowls

  • Rattles

  • Chimes

  • Drums

  • Tuning Forks

  • Voice

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