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I will meet you wherever you are.
Together, we pay attention to the language of your body. In loving, tender, compassion we make room for more of yourself to be present, allowing your own wisdom and expression to come through you.

Take a risk, touch an edge,
listen deeply.
Come, I will hold out my hand.


During this call we will open a conversation about where you are in your physical, emotional and spiritual healing journey. We will touch on what kind of support you are looking for and intentions and goals. I will clarify any questions about my services and how my work can benefit you.

Individual Sessions


Through a combination of breath, sound, music, movement and collage we will explore what may be held in the body, and what wants to be expressed, transformed, and healed. You will feel more vitality, and balance. Discover tools for self-care and empowerment. Experience more clarity, purpose and body wisdom.


 I  guide and facilitate a process of discovery.  Beginning in stillness, I invite a practice of breathing, deep listening and presencing, sensing and attuning to sensations and emotions held within the body. This process brings the heart body mind into more alignment, enabling clients to experience a deeper sense of interconnectedness, balance and integration of emotional physical spiritual states of being. Somatic practices cultivate body awareness, help to attune to senses  Simple practices and get to know and befriend your nervous system.



30-60 minute session (via Zoom) 

1.5 hr session

1.5 hr – 3 hr Collage process

30 -60 min Sound Healing Journey

I play a variety of instruments on and around your body. Experience a calm peaceful state of relaxation. You will feel more attuned to your body and experience enhanced mind-body-soul integration.


Cancer "A Rite of Passage"

Through deep listening, expressive arts, and body practices, we will explore common themes around grief and loss, identity issues, shame, sexuality, aloneness, disconnect from heart and body. We will discover new ways to express and release what has been untouched, open to a deeper level of self-love, nurturing and tenderness. Experience enhanced wellness, vitality and wholeness.


I offer sessions in the comfort of your own home.


Workshops - Individual sessions

What is your relationship to your grief? Where is it held in your body? How do you express it? It can feel unbearable and it can bring you more alive. It takes courage to face grief.



Sound Soul Journey

Sound sessions for Individuals, Groups, Families, Businesses, Organizations, Workshops and Retreats.


Begin or end your day with a sound journey.  A wonderful way to begin your day, set intention, lay the foundation for your retreat. It will enhance vision, clarity and focus as well as bring a more relaxed expansive environment and connectedness among participants.


Enhance team building, relationship and communication skills. Build cohesiveness and connection among team members.


Sound journeys bring a beautiful depth and richness to any ceremony, ritual, event that may be celebrating, honoring or marking a Rite of Passage, Threshold or Life Transition. It provides a ceremonial sacred container.

Musical Performance

Sound for Events

Gather a group of friends to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or wedding with a unique sound journey designed for the group.

Performance, Ceremony, Ritual, Memorial, Events.

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— Mark Nepo

“Through the practice of expressing we wake up to life. What we feel, experience, imagine is within and beyond us. It is a way of keeping our light unblocked and shining.. How do we speak and express what is unsayable and bear witness to what is..
It takes courage to give voice like the coyote howls....”

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