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An exploration of heart body soul grief.

Grief takes us beneath the surface
and breaks open the heart.
It takes courage to face grief. It can feel unbearable and bring us alive and connected to life.
Grief becomes part of our life experience and is woven into our fabric of being. 


Art by Elena Ray

  • Grief is a catalyst for growth and transformation, it strips us bare, it hollows and carves us and brings us deeper into our depths and soul.


  • Grief pulls us inward and slows us down to be with ourselves. 


  • Grief is soul work, it ripens us into our capacity to love, to meet life courageously, to feel our humanness.

Through a combination of body practices, expressive arts, writing and ritual, we turn toward, allow, honor and tend our personal and collective grief.


Through  listening, and being witnessed , you are supported and deeply held in your own unique raw expression of grief. 


       Where do you feel grief in your body?

       How does it want to be expressed?

   What movement or sound, maybe stillness?


There is a remembering and re-connecting to what is real and alive in you; to what is sacred and ancient.  Raw expression of “un beautiful” sounds, wailing and keening are ancient practices of longing and can be part of your grieving. There is power, transformation and deep healing in grieving together.


Grief Is not only connected to death and the loss of loved ones but also there are many kind of grief and losses that go unrecognized:

  • Cancer/ illness

  • aging

  • loss of faith and hope

  • life passages and thresholds

  • hidden parts of self that have not been recognized

  • paths we did not walk

  • world and planetary grief

  • Ancestral grief â€‹

     We are not meant to grieve alone.  We can mourn, wail, grieve and heal together.


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Song of Grief

Let yourself be as a hollow reed
so the wind-breath of the Blessed One can blow through you
and play you
the sounds of your grief:
your moan
your sigh
your keening cry.
Do not close down or block
the Breath of life
from finding in you opening.
Gently, gently
let yourself be hollowed
From the inside out
or outside in
(either way).
Thus clearing the debris from the path,
so the sounds of the universe
of eternity
can play through you
and through that hollowness of your pain and your grief and your longing
you can become
An instrument of the One.

— Linda Yael Schiller

Grief and sorrow carve riverbeds in our soul and
it Flows in like the tides.

It can toss u around it can
take you under, crack u open,

It takes on many shapes, colors, textures, movements,
It takes us below the surface, takes us into the depth
and crevices of our soul,

It works us in alchemical ways.
It breaks us open,
it's unbearable at times

There is a strange intimacy between grief and aliveness
Grief work is soul work
t requires courage

It takes us into unmarked territories of vulnerability
It is an act of protest
that declares our refusal
to live numb and small.
Grief is not a state of deadness it is alive and vital.
It's Wild untamed and
rises from the soul

— Francis Weller

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